EXIT is a dark drama series based on true stories from Norway's financial scene. The series takes place inside this secret, exclusive world, where four friends from the west side of Oslo are looking for an exit from their everyday lives. They share a distinct narcissistic bent, and successful-looking lives, but their days become a constant juggling act of obligations, money, and lies. They share everything, but their internal code puts their existence as millionaires and family men in conflict with their hunger for violence, drugs, and sex. Follow their lives across their estates on Oslo's west side, their high-rise offices, vacation homes in Norway and abroad, and the exclusive party pad they own together, unknown to their spouses. EXIT is based on real stories obtained through interviews with four highly successful real-life investors in Oslo. This is a reality that exists right in the open, but remains invisible. Perhaps because the truth remains far stranger, darker, and more hollow than fiction? This is EXIT.
E1 Sterile
They have money, career and family. They have everything. But they are bored. Hermione wants children with Adam. It's just that Adam is sterile, but Hermione doesn't know that.
E2 Whores and Lobster at Hankø Island
Two prostitutes run off with Williams' wallet just before the big party he and Celine are holding at their country house. William approaches the breaking point when a guest annoys him.
E3 You or Me
The boys go on sick visits to William, who has a big bandage on his head and is really out to drive. Adam thinks Hermione is too upset about her missing pregnancy and asks Henrik for an unusual friend service.
E4 Face Off
Jeppe invites Henrik and William to a boy's evening with little food and lots of drinks and baptisms. Henrik tells Hermione about the deal with Adam, and Hermione immediately takes the opportunity to take revenge.
E5 She's a Whore
Adam must shut up until he finds out how to get Hermione to lose face. William is discharged from the hospital, but Celine has plans other than taking care of someone who has tried to kill her.
E6 Cute and Sweet Boys
The guys are gathered for a wedding. William opens up to them and for a moment the mood is top, but Hermione's talk with the guests causes Adam to fire up.
E7 The Day After
Jeppe and Adam head to Saint-Tropez to clean up William's financial mess, only to find that everything is even messier than they thought. Henrik and William fool a journalist who wants to write about them.
E8 It Was Me
William is left to himself by Celine, and badly needs someone to take care of him and get his company back on their feet. Hermione plays a high game to ensure an independent and financially good life.
Season 3?
Season 3 release in march