2022 • • 1 Seasons
0/5 • 10 / 10 IMDb


Rostov-on-Don, our days. In one of the working sleeping districts in the south-west of the city, baptized by the inhabitants of the "SW", life is in full swing - the local group of young guys now and then measure their strength with their peers from the "thieves" center, but the adult "owners" of the districts turn things around more seriously. Ravil is a young programmer living in the SW. After graduating from a technical school, the guy dreams of leaving for the USA and doing what he loves there. In anticipation of a grant, Ravil moonlights as a courier. However, the young romantic is attracted by the lure of quick criminal money. In order to fulfill his cherished dream of another life and win the heart of the young beauty Eli from the district of the rich, Ravil steps on a slippery slope.



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