Everyone has something to hide, someone makes a small mistake, someone commits a real crime, someone goes beyond moral principles and becomes the laughing stock of society. They also say that forbidden fruit is sweet. What if this is love? Forbidden love is more terrible than unrequited love. And not everyone can resist. Then forbidden love turns into pain, despair, a struggle with oneself. No matter who prohibits this love - the law or the people - it almost always has the same ending. However, few people refuse forbidden love, why? This is what we want to find out through the example of real stories. The special series is shot in the genre of documentary drama and tells the fate of different people who know forbidden love. Such as the betrayal of a husband to his brother, the love of a stepfather and stepdaughter, the love of a teacher and a student, the love of a mother-in-law and a son-in-law, the love of an investigator and the defendant... Each episode is a separate story.

A story about how Dmitry's life has changed due to the arrival of his brother. When a relative named Oleg comes to ask for money, he also tries to seduce his wife Dmitry. In his youth, Oleg was in love with Svetlana, but she made a decision and married another person. Dmitry finds out about the betrayal, who decides not to talk to his wife anymore, but he even saves his brother from the bandit, shielding himself. After this, Svetlana decides to return to Dmitry, but Oleg, realizing what he has done, leaves without receiving any money or love.




Pavel Andreev has an office romance with his boss. Once he met a good girl Sima, fell in love with her and got married, but he did not break off close relations with his boss either. Sima, pregnant with twins, found out, did not forgive and left. After a while, Pavel realized that his boss had never loved him, he was just a toy for her, and his own children began to call a completely different man father.

Lepa during a business trip fell in love with a man who is already married. The heroine herself is also married, but when she arrived home, she explained to her son her love for another man, and the wife asked for a divorce. After that, she packed her things and left for her new lover, who promised, for the sake of their relationship, to part with his wife. Only Lera finds out that she was deceived: a married man continues to live with his family. Then Lera leaves back home, but the ex-husband has already found a new woman for himself, and everything is fine with him.

Igor is a surgeon and an exemplary family man, who never gave a reason for jealousy to his wife. Here only once, a man falls in love with a young girl who was treated by him. After that, he starts flirting with her, but he has no idea: this girl is also a target for her own son. There is an argument between a man and his son, after which Igor collects his things and leaves. His wife suddenly gets into an accident and becomes disabled. Then the man returns to her and looks at her, realizing his mistake in the past.

A woman named Albina is a ballroom dance teacher. Everything in her life was good, but one day she meets a young man named Yuri. He comes to take a couple of lessons from Albina, and during training, the woman becomes interested in the young man. After that, she even decides to start a serious relationship with him, but the situation changes dramatically. After all, Yuri considers Albina as a “toy”, and the woman decides to run away from him, but this leads to certain consequences for her.

A woman named Lilia decides to marry off her daughter. There is an acquaintance with the parents of the future son-in-law, and unexpectedly one of the matchmakers shows a love relationship with Lilia. A woman is not against this, because she has been living alone for a long time. Although the man himself is married, they go against all odds and start a serious relationship. It’s just that a man can’t stand the criticism of his loved ones, and commits suicide. And Lily has to take care of the wife of a beloved person, who simply hates her.

Igor has a strong family and everything is fine. But he just needs a job, and he gets a job as a driver for the husband of one woman, who in the past was his first love. Seeing again the very one that did not give him rest in his youth, the man begins to get confused in the relationship. On the one hand, there is a woman with whom he has a son, and on the other hand, a girl who does not mind restoring relations. And the obstacle to happiness with the latter is her husband, which is a real tyrant and despot. Igor decides to kill this man.

Georgy Lomakin is a judge who decides to please one woman, giving her stepson a minimum sentence for murder. While the stepson is in prison, the representative of Themis decides to invite a woman on a date, and after that he lives with her. When the prison life of a young man comes to an end, he returns to his match. However, he sees George and begins to constantly clash with him. But the judge can’t stand it, and at the moment when the stepson raises his hand to his beloved, he kills the one that leads to consequences.

An investigator named Marin is faced with a certain situation. There is a former lover, Ilya, who can get a break, and there are feelings that are not repaid to him. The authorities require the investigator to find evidence and put the man in jail. Ilya himself, during a conversation with Marina, asks her not to do this, and even provides information about his innocence. The investigator believes in this, but cannot go against her superiors. Then she decides to plant Ilya, and then arrange for him to escape.

Alla Zueva is a saleswoman who lost her mother early and was raised by her friend. After some events, the girl did not want to meet with anyone, but one day she falls in love with a loader. Feelings really appear between them, however, Alla finds out: this man has a relationship with the death of her mother. The girl, having learned about this, immediately breaks off relations and leaves, where she meets another man in a new place. Having married him, she soon realizes that she has made a huge mistake.

Aleksey Sokolov is delighted with the news: he will be a father. When the child was born, the wife could not sit with him, but entrusted this to her stepdaughter Alexei. The man had not seen the girl for a long time, and when she arrived, he was convinced that she had become more beautiful and older. While his wife was away from work, Alexei constantly spent time with his stepdaughter, and they became close, becoming lovers. Everything suited both the man and the girl, but one day, Aleksey's wife becomes aware of their romance, who is not going to forgive her beloved after this

Boris Blasov is a lover of playing the guitar and women. He changed them like "gloves" and did not appreciate the one that was next to him. Namely, his own wife, who guessed about her husband's infidelity, but did not show it. One day, during sex with a girl, Boris gets sick with hepatitis. After that, he spends the night with his wife and infects her also. The disease progresses rapidly, but the man manages to survive, but his wife does not. Having lost someone who really loved him all these years, Boris begins to understand that he was an idiot all this time.

Nadezhda 9 years ago was raped by a man who later ran away and could not be found. The woman gave birth to a son, but did not abandon him, but loved and protected him. Bckope, the son began to go to training, and there Nadezhda met the coach. He is courteous and sympathetic, and therefore a romance begins between a man and a woman. But only Hadia finds out - this man is that rapist. Despite the anger, Nadezhda is ready to marry this criminal, but the woman's father is against such a decision.

Inna Borisova is an employee of the car depot, and everything is fine with her. There is a good job, a beloved boss and much more. Only once, a son comes to visit the boss, with whom Inna also falls in love. Trying to "sit on two chairs", she nevertheless "burns" and the elderly man becomes aware of the affair with her son. He kicks Inna out of his house, and after Inna finds out that she is pregnant. Left alone without a man and even a lover, she gives birth to a son and leaves him on a bench in the park.

Maksim lives with his wife, who is expecting a child. Everything is fine, but one day he becomes a bodyguard for a young artist named Nastya. The girl and the man are gradually drawing closer, and their passion is already completely overwhelmed. Nothing stops Maksim, but his wife finds out about his love affairs. She is on the verge of a nervous breakdown, and Maksim's future child is under threat. A man has to make a difficult choice, but he understands perfectly well: his future is a child, and not passionate joys with an artist.

Olga is happy, because she is going to marry a businessman. Before the wedding, the man decides to invite his son from the first marriage, Andrei. The guy needs to get into the university, and Olga, being a teacher of one, helps the young man to enter. Between them, love flares up sharply, which does not stop. But Andrey sharply cools the interest in Olga and distances himself from her. She pursues the young man until he dies. And then the businessman kicks Olga out into the street.

Matvey is soon to marry a pregnant girl, and everything is fine with him. Only the man’s brother invites him to go to a bachelor party, where they can spend time with strippers before Matvey ties himself in marriage. During the party, a man meets one of these dancers and falls in love with her. The next day, he cancels the wedding and decides to live with Lucy. But the man did not know that by doing so he was making a mistake, and he would pay for it by losing his wife and the chance to become a father.
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