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The Price of the Past

2018 • • • Wife Cheating
0/5 • / 10 IMDb


It seems that the spouses Alexei and Maria Golovin have everything for family happiness - a good house in an elite village, a prestigious job and a ten-year-old daughter, Katya. But everything changes dramatically when Maria, succumbing to momentary weakness and mired in the routine of family life, begins to have an affair with a former classmate Oleg Demyanenko, who at school was unrequitedly in love with her. Very quickly, Maria realizes that by her act she jeopardized the future of the family, and decides to break up with him. But Oleg is not going to let her go... Gradually, Maria realizes that Oleg is not at all who he claims to be... Will Maria be able to escape from this captivity and restore relations with Alexei?


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